Length = Men's: 1362 meters, (4,468 feet) Curves: 16
Length = Women's: 1220 meters, (4,074 feet) Curves: 12
"This track is nestled in the Bavarian Alps of Germany, in the shadows of Hitler's Eagles Nest. This track's character sets it apart from all other courses in that it's visually charming with its copper and cedar shake curve tops. While sliding, unique curve combinations and tight curve radiuses never leave the athlete without something to do. Straight-aways that bend, four s-curves that go by in a flash, a kreisel curve that's easy to get lost in, and finally pulling to five G-forces in the the finish curve has left more than one slider dragging their head on the ice. Add all this together, and you have one exciting track for the racer and the spectator alike."
- Mark Grimmette
Men: Felix Loch (Germany) - 1/5/14 - 48.982
Women: Natalie Geisenberger (Germany) - 1/4/14 - 50.202
Doubles: Wendl/Arlt (Germany) - 12/22/12 - 50.369
Team Relay: Geisenberger, Loch, Wendl/Arlt (Germany) - 1/5/14 - 2:42.781